2012 Kim Kardashian 2012


will kim kardashian still be a big news story in 2012, well she is not really what i would call "real news" anyway, but she is always all over the news regardless, so i was wondering will she be all that in 2012 or will kim kardashian slowly disappear from the news columns?.

i only ask because in the side bar of one of the online newspapers i was just reading my eyes are pulled to a story about, yes you guessed it, kim kardashian, it is like a automatic response to read these celebrity stories, even though they have no meaning to me.

i wonder why we read them but we do, they are time wasting exercises and maybe that is why we read about the hyped celebrities because we have time to waste and have to find a way to waste that time, and oh look, it is given to us in the form of, for example, stories about people like celebrity kim kardashian.

wonder if we will still be reading about kim kardashian in 2012?


the top celeb women of this year, will it be 2012 success for kim kardashian?

