Miniature Dollhouse Toys

Miniature Dollhouse Toys
Imaginative Play: Dolls promote imaginative play, which is developmentally important for children. Adults often discount pretend play since it appears to have no purpose. However, it is a key component of learning for children of all ages. Research has found connections between imaginative play and cognition, social abilities, and language skills. This type of play allows children to practice their social skills, work through any troubling or upsetting events, develop their conversational vocabularies, learn empathy, and stretch their creativity.
Some parents are troubled by pretending when children seem to reject the "real" world. However, a child who insists he is a superhero or she is a princess is not denying reality. For a child, it's an intricate experiment to discover the limits of imagination and reality, along with exploring how someone else might see, think, and feel. Logical rules still apply, and kids often think of elaborate solutions to problems.

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